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4.2.4 CONFIGURATION The "Retrieved_Part" Hypothesis

The "Retrieved_Part" Hypothesis retrieves the part (as indicated by the value in Session.part_id) from the "part.nxpdb" database file. The retrieve statement of the rule below does the following:

a. Opens "part.nxpdb" for reading.

b. Searches for the part_id of Session.part_id.

c. Creates a part object for the found part_id.

d. Fills the proper property values in the part object's slots.

The Retrieval rule is illustrated in Figure 32

Figure 32 Rule "Retrieved_Part"

(@RULE= R13

(@LHS= (Retrieve ("part.nxpdb") (@TYPE=NXPDB;@FILL=ADD;@FWRD=FALSE;@UNKNOWN=TRUE;\ @NAME="!part_id!";@CREATE=|PART|;@PROPS=part_name,file_name,assembly_form,assembly_id,material_id,part_projected_area_mm,part_volume_mm,part_width_mm, part_height_mm,part_thickness_mm,slide_file_name;@FIELDS="part_id","file","form","asm_id","mat_id","proj_area",vol","wid","hght","thck","slide";@QUERY="part_id like "@V(Session.part_id)\"";\ )) )

(@HYPO= Retrieved_Part) )

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