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6.3.6 FORMS

Another dimension must be accounted for when we wish to explore the contents of the objects simultaneously with the exploration of the morphological and syntactic dimensions. Access to an object's content is only through its morphological dimension, that is to say that an object is represented in the morphological dimension. When semantics are considered along with morphology and syntax, processing is being done in three dimensions, which is very hard. Processing in the syntactic space is NP-Complete.

Forms involve a special utility that allows access through the syntactic plane of a model to directly view and modify the semantic values. In effect, two or more models are simultaneously displayed. Figure 75 shows the property models of rib_A, while Figure 76 shows the rib_A form as property models and the values of the property models simultaneously displayed in one form.

Figure 75 Feature Model Opened as Model

Figure 76 Feature Model Opened as Form

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